Prince Harry and Meghan Told to Tone Down as Royals Show Solidarity


Prince Harry has been kindly reminded that the Royal Family is still "united" despite earlier complaints from him and Meghan Markle.

Targeting Prince William and King Charles in his memoir, "Spare," the Duke of Sussex has been public about his complaints with the Royal Family since leaving royal responsibilities in 2020. Still, recent occurrences point to the Royal Family's resiliency.

At this year's Trooping the Colour, Royal Family members including cancer-stricken Princess Kate showed up together on Saturday.

Regarding Sky News Australia, Russell Myers, royal editor of The Mirror, said, "They need to understand that if they want to maintain a relationship with the Royal Family, they can't continue to criticize them."

He continued, "They cannot continue to profit from their royal affiliations. Hopefully, they will realize the Royal Family is quite unified without them. They should tone down their remarks and behavior if they want a relationship going ahead."

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