International firm's CEO reveals that he is in love with Indian food!


Geert van der Velde is the CEO of Chessable, a digital learning platform for mastering the game of minds. He got quite famous after he turned into an Indian food reviewer when he was in the country last month during the 44th Chess Olympiad that took place in Chennai.

On July 28, Geert van der Velde tweeted that he has always been a fan of Indian food and enjoyed our authentic dishes cooked here. He added that he loved having traditional Tamil cuisine in a banana leaf and his tweet caught the attention of Prime Minister Modi.

Now, the latest is that Geert van der Velde is still in love with Indian dishes. He revealed that his mother made dosas for their family. On August 12, Geert posted photos of his mother cooking along with the pictures of dosas and captioned, "My mom was inspired by all the food photos at the #ChessOlympiad so she made homemade dosas for us tonight!" (sic).

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